Успіх – там де ти! Надихаючі приклади успішної кар’єри в STEM від випускників школи.
Проект має на меті зацікавити
школярів природно-математичними науками, мотивувати їх свідомо вибирати
професію, керуючись своїми смаками, показати різноманітність професій і
пояснити учням, що чим більше міждисциплінарних знань у тебе буде, тим більш
унікальним фахівцем зможеш стати. Також одне із завдань проекту –
популяризація інженерно-технічних професій серед дівчат.
Success – is together with you. The inspiring examples
of the successful career in STEM from the school graduators.
The aim of the Project – to arise the pupil’s interest
to the Natural and Mathematical sciences, to motivate them for the conscious
choice of the profession according to their tastes, to expose the variety of
possible professional specializations and to demonstrate the students that the
greater interdisciplinary knowledge and skills of a person result in the
greater uniqueness of the person as of the skilled professional. One more task
of the Project – is to popularize the technical and engineering professions
among the girls.
The search for the information about the STEM-professions
and the knowledge and skills which are necessary to obtain them.
The meetings and contacts (direct and via Skype) with
the graduators – experienced professionals who have got education in the sphere
of the high technologies (STEM – specialists), especially with successful women
who have made career in the sphere of STEM-professions and provided the
significant contribution into the technology development.
The workshops at the enterprises and institutions organized for the
school pupils by the school graduators.(Lviv National Agrarian University (9,10 classes), Yavoriv National Park (5,6 classes), an inter - school training plant.
The first step to the profession - registration for participation in the all - Ukraine program "STEM girls"(3 participents, 9 classes).